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Sailability Organisation




The origins of Sailability as we know it today trace back to the United Kingdom in the early 1980’s with Ian Harrison MBE and several of his colleagues founding the Sailability organisation. The original logo is that used by Sailability in Australia today. Ian’s overriding aim was that no person with disability should be denied the opportunity to sail.


We recognise that similar organisations had come before and some have endured, including The Island Trust (1973) and Nancy Oldfield Trust (1984).


Sailability and clubs with similar operations provide sailing to people with disability in some 23 countries.



It was Victoria who first established Sailability in Australia at Albert Park Lake in 1991. Sailability clubs now operate in every state in Australia. Clubs are represented nationally by delegates to Australia Sailing’s National Sailability Committee (nominated by State yachting associations). A variety of on-water craft is used to suit local conditions and the individual needs of our client sailors regardless of disability or social disadvantage.


Queensland currently has 14 Sailability clubs in operation.


For further information refer Sailability Queensland website or click on picture/name below for each club.

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